
To all those reading this I am David Gibbs; I am a Lecturer in Law at the University of East Anglia.

I created this blog as a general out-let of ideas for my research, as well as keeping those interested up-to-date on my research and general interests.

I completed my PhD thesis at the University of East Anglia in 2014. The thesis was recommended for the award of PhD with no corrections. My external examiner was Prof. Simon Deakin (Cambridge) and internal examiner was Prof. Morten Hviid.
My PhD research centred on directors' duties and company law. The thesis was titled 'Non-Executive Self-Interest: Fiduciary Duties and Corporate Governance'. It was a doctrinal and empirical study on whether self-interest was suitably controlled amongst non-executive directors.

My supervisors were Prof. Mathias Siems, Prof. Duncan Sheehan, Dr. Sara Connolly and Dr. Rob Heywood

All opinions of any existing or future blogpost are my own. They do not necessarily represent the views of any of my associated institutions.
ORCID 0000-0002-6596-8536

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Writing up!

As mentioned in my previous post I am in the process of writing up. For anyone who has overcome this hurdle I salute you. To all those yet to experience it I do not envy you.

It is a difficult process. There are a number of issues that I have come across that I thought I would highlight in a brief blogpost to prepare the next unsuspecting victims of this torment.

1) So close but yet so far: Yes that dreaded question of when will I ever finish? I feel so close to completing but the goal does not seem to be getting any closer.

2) Fear: Do my arguments make sense? Is my external examiner going to think this is some kind of joke? Trying to make a thesis fit together even when you have a general theme becomes a difficult task. Have I explained myself clearly enough? I think I wrote the same argument and point in five different ways today in what I first perceived as clarity, but then appeared to be repetitive.

3) Forgetfulness or even cockiness: OK so I wrote my first chapter 3 years ago and now it needs some revision. I know the basic premise of the arguments in this chapter I have explained the principles and justified the arguments in the chapter. But can I remember much beyond the basic arguments? Well not really, not without going back over some of the chapter and rereading some parts of articles. But your brain often refuses to comprehend the task. It almost shuts down trying to tell you, you have done this before why do you need to rewrite it. Is it not enough that I understand the premise and justifications of the argument and people should just accept it without me having the task of rewriting it.

4) Procrastination: It seems easier to procrastinate when you get closer to a goal or finishing. The perception that you do not have long to go often convinces you that it is OK to take a quick break more often. I have often found myself saying well I'll just watch one quick event at the olympic rowing regatta. By the end of the day you get that sinking feeling that another day has passed and that you did not actually accomplish that much.

Anyway, these are four torments that I have come across. To my other readers if you have any you would like to add please feel free to post and contribute to this "discussion".

For anyone thinking of doing a PhD do not let this put you off. Nothing in life is going to be simple. The vast majority of my life as a PhD student has been fruitful and worthwhile. But bringing together 3 years of work to achieve one goal is never going to be easy.

I discussed my PhD recently through a project ongoing at UEA's Centre of Competition Policy. I hope this to be available soon and will post a link when it is made available.

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